Installing the themes via a PPA (run some commands, we’ll see it later).Downloading the theme manually and extracting them in ~/.icons (you need to enable hidden files to access it, if it’s still not there, create a.There are basically two ways you can install icon themes in Ubuntu: I have already written in detail about how to change themes in Ubuntu 18.04. How to install new icon theme in Ubuntuīefore we see our list of best icon themes for Ubuntu, let’s first see how to change the icons in Ubuntu. I have written this article keeping Ubuntu/Pop!_OS in mind but almost all the icon themes should work for other Linux distributions and desktop environments as well.
In this article, I’ll show you the best icon sets for Ubuntu and how to use them. If you don’t know where to begin, don’t worry. It literally transforms the entire look of your desktop. Icon themes are the best and perhaps the easiest way to change the looks of your Ubuntu desktop. Bored with the same old look of Ubuntu? Why not try one of the best Ubuntu themes listed here?